
圖書館意見回饋Comments and feedback

感謝您對本館的支持與愛護,如對本館有任何意見與建議,請在此表達。如需本館即時處理之事項,建議請臨櫃或致電聯繫值班人員,本館全體同仁當竭盡心力為您服務。We welcome your suggestions and feedback to help us improve our services. If the matter requires immediate attention, please visit the library counter, or contact us by phone.
(Fields marked with * are required.)
*意見內容Comments or suggestions:

*是否要圖書館回覆Is a response required?
請圖書館回覆Respond to me via e-mail provided below.
表達我的想法,圖書館不用回覆I don't require a response.
若需圖書館回覆,請務必填寫以下資料If you would like a response please include your e-mail address so that we may respond to you personally.
*姓名Full Name
Please leave an NTU email address if possible. Emails from this system tend to be blocked by Gmail accounts.
*電子郵件信箱E-mail address
*圖形驗證(請以滑鼠點選以下方框) Graphic verification

意見回覆進度查詢Status of my comments/feedback

請輸入您的個人資料查詢意見回覆進度Please enter your name and e-mail address
姓名Full Name
電子郵件E-mail address