IELTS雅思練武功 : 寫作8.0考前衝刺,就靠這一本! / |
王爽. |
20250121 |
IELTS雅思高分必備 : 5回全真聽力&閱讀模考 / |
希伯崙編輯團隊. |
20250121 |
輕鬆駕馭英語簡報 = English presentation / |
空中英語教室編輯群 |
20250121 |
TOEIC® L&R TEST多益聽力模測解密 / |
20250121 |
TOEIC® L&R TEST多益閱讀模測解密 / |
加藤優. |
20250121 |
教你讀懂理工英語 : 完整剖析生物.化學.物理英語 = English for science and technology : biology, chemistry, and physics / |
李家同, 1939- |
20250121 |
港言 : 尋找後社運時代之路 / |
20250120 |
Speaking for IELTS / |
Kovacs, Karen E. 1961- author. (Karen Elizabeth), |
20250117 |
Reading for IELTS / |
Geyte, Els Van, author. |
20250117 |
The official guide to the TOEFL iBT test / |
20250117 |
Who's afraid of gender? / |
Butler, Judith, 1956- author. |
20250117 |
IELTS grammar : for bands 6.5 and above / |
Hopkins, Diana, 1961- author. |
20250117 |
Writing for IELTS / |
Williams, Anneli, author. |
20250117 |
Mighty microeconomics : a guide to thinking like an economist / |
Kandori, Michihiro, author. |
20250117 |
Barron's TOEFL iBT writing / |
Lougheed, Lin, 1946- author. |
20250117 |
TOEIC practice exams / |
Lougheed, Lin, 1946- author. |
20250117 |
TOEIC premium / |
Lougheed, Lin, 1946- author. |
20250117 |
Official TOEFL iBT tests / |
20250117 |
Working English / |
Blackler, Jamie, author. |
20250117 |
Listening for IELTS / |
Aish, Fiona, author. |
20250117 |