National Taiwan University Library Special Collections Retrieval Service
April 21, 2022
Both NTU and non-NTU patrons are eligible for this service.
Service Coverage
A. Materials from the Main Library 5F Special Collections Closed Stacks.
B. If there are copies of the materials you want in the open stacks, we suggest you use them first to save your time.
How to Make a Request
A. Find the materials you want in the Library's online catalog, and submit your request online (compatible browsers: Chrome, Firefox, IE10 and up)
B. Fill in the relevant information at the "National Taiwan University Library Special Collections Retrieval Service" webpage, and send out your request.
C. Pick-up Notices
(1) Please pick up your requested materials before the due dates listed in the pick-up notices. Once past the due date, the materials will be re-shelved, and you will need to submit your request again online.
(2) If you do not receive a pick-up notice within five working days, please contact us at: Email:; Tel: 02-33662342
D. Pick-up Location: Main Library 5F Special Collections Service Desk
E. Material Use
(1) The materials cannot be checked out, and can only be used in the Special Collections Designated Reading Area.
(2) If you want to duplicate a material, please make a request at the Special Collections Service Desk.
(3) Special Collections Opening Hours: 09:00-17:00, Mon.-Fri.